4 Important Aspects of a Jobsite Security System

You may be looking to outfit your next jobsite with an unbeatable security system, but you’re not sure exactly what you need. Making sure you cover all your bases with jobsite security is absolutely critical if you want to avoid disaster, of course, so it’s important that you do your research before picking up a rental security system. 

With that in mind, take a look at the following list of four of the most important aspects of a jobsite security system to ensure yours is up-to-snuff:

1. An Adequate Number of Sensors

Every jobsite looks different, and that means each has its own distinct security requirements. One of the biggest variables in terms of those requirements is the number of sensors you’ll need to cover the whole area. 

Providing your jobsite with full-fledged protection means it’s critical that you accurately determine how many sensors you’ll need and make sure you’ve got at least that many set up when the system goes online. The number will depend on how large your site is, how many entry points it has, and other similar factors.

2. Adequate Wireless Signal

A wireless jobsite security system can be simpler to set up and use on top of being more convenient and more effective overall; that said, you need to make sure the necessary wireless signal is in place for the system to operate, or you’ll be leaving your jobsite vulnerable to catastrophe. 

Fortunately, there are ways to provide enough wireless signal to your jobsite even when you’re working with a particularly big area, such as by employing a signal booster that can add thousands of feet to your range with ease.

3. Effective Monitoring

A high-quality rental security system is only as effective as its monitoring system; if a tripped alarm goes unnoticed, it’ll lose a lot of its power and leave the door wide open for disaster to strike. That’s why you want a jobsite security system that’s not only professionally monitored 24/7 but also allows you to monitor your site with ease. 

Smart technology allows for real-time monitoring and the delivery of alert notifications directly to your smart device, allowing you to remain aware of what’s going on at your site no matter where you are and making all the difference when it comes to your response time in the event of an emergency as a result.

4. Water and Fire Protection

Trespassing, theft, and general mischief are certainly concerns for you as the manager of a jobsite, but they’re not all you need to worry about; both water damage and fire may prove to be even more disastrous than criminal behavior, and that’s why you want to ensure your jobsite security system offers adequate water and fire protection at all times.

Cover All Your Bases With Your Jobsite Security

The above list offers just the basics when it comes to adequate jobsite security, but it’s the perfect place to start when you’re looking to protect your site. When you’re ready to start creating the perfectly tailored security system for you, consider reaching out to a jobsite security professional to help you get the job done.


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